Jul 16, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

I understand where you’re coming from with what you have been dealing with in these recent times it would have been nice to have someone ‘special’ to share it all with, to comfort you when you are down. I know as a mum when you are having to paste a smiley face on a face that wants to give into sadness so as you don’t affect your children is a very hard thing to do. As to you finding that ‘special’ person I can imagine it happening when you least expect it from a direction you had not even contemplated it coming from. As you have great faith in God I suspect you have already resided yourself to the fact that this is all part of his plan. I know you are maybe feeling a little impatient but bare with………it will be so worth the wait!

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Yes exactly. I just want a few minutes to curl up in someone’s arms and let it all go.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

🫂🫂🫂 wish it were the real thing❤️

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Me too

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

Aimee, Sometimes we have to let go of the fantasy to discover reality. The old saying “looking through rose colored glasses.” We all know God is in charge and we have to quit telling him how we want it to be and let him show us, in his time. ⏳ It’s hard to be patient. I have been blessed with incredible love and even in death it wraps around me. And “sparks” come in incredible ways and blessings, 💥💥💥 as do moons! Let God show you, I am doing the same. He just sent me an army of glorious angels. In his time!❤️

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Aimee, to be honest, I’ve been single my entire life. There are times I have to admit that I’ve been lonely, but the friends I have and realizing God is always there for me makes me realize how grateful I am for what I do have. I agree with the comments above, it’s all in God’s timing. If it happens for me great, but if not I’m ok with that too! Take care and God bless my friend! 🙏❤️

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

Amen Anne! 💥💥💥💥

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I believe everyone has his better half somewhere in the world and what is meant for you will come when you least expect it. 😍

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

When the time is right Aimee, and in God’s timing, Love will happen. When we tried to do it, it usually does not work out well. God is preparing you for the person he has selected for you. Be patient, be true to yourself, spend time with your Children and friends, And don’t dwell on it. When the time is right that spark will be there! Love you Aimee!!

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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

I enjoyed the line "Don’t think too much, you’ll think your whole life away". That describes me to a tee. It's so hard to shut it off, though.

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I understand your struggle. Even though I am on the opposite side of this. That may sound strange to you but it's true. Sometimes I feel like life is just a series of choices or decisions. Even your true love when found, will sometimes hurt you. I don't believe in filling people's heads with hope for a panacea.

But I do believe there is someone out there that will be a best fit for you. That you will work out your lives and your love will grow more and more with every passing year. Because you will both want that steady, reliable partner to share your life with. To come home to every night. You will have to work at it harder at times than others. There may even be some more heartbreak to overcome. But when you assess your situation you should still feel the net outcome of working through your differences is a win/win. You will both want to make it work too.


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Jul 11, 2022Liked by Aimee Moore

Sorry Aimee that this is a struggle for you right now, but it will come when the time is right when you least expect it. Don't be too eager and don't dwell on it just let it happen. Things happen for a reason and something bigger and better is out there waiting you.

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